

Los seis mejores marcos de backend para desarrollar aplicaciones web en 2023

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Los seis mejores marcos de backend para desarrollar aplicaciones web en 2023

To achieve maximum speed and scalability, developers may find it essential to choose the correct backend framework. Today, there are so many possibilities that picking the best one might be challenging.

Take a look at the top 6 backend frameworks below to get a better idea. You may use it to guide your decision-making.  

What is a Backend Framework?

A software framework is a foundation where developers can build applications in a faster and more standardized way. The following example, available on Stack Overflow, is quite helpful in understanding the concept of a framework.  

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“I am too late to respond. But I would like to share an example that just occurred to me today. If I told you to cut a piece of paper with dimensions of 5m by 5m, you would surely do it. But suppose I ask you to cut 1,000 sheets of paper to the same dimensions. In this case, you will not do the measurement 1000 times; obviously you would make a 5m by 5m framework, and then with its help you could cut 1000 sheets of paper in less time. So what you did was create a framework that would do a specific type of task. Instead of doing the same type of task over and over again for the same type of applications, you create a framework that has all those facilities together in one nice package, thus providing the abstraction for your application and what is more importantly, many applications”.

Why use a Backend Framework?

According to Wikipedia, the main goal of a framework is to automate overhead correlated tosoftware development activities. A development framework has the following primary benefits:  

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  • Save time
  • Scalability
  • Sturdiness
  • Security
  • Integrations

Besides that, most of the frameworks are open source.

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1. Django

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Based on the Python programming language, Django is a well-known open source backend framework. Model View Controller (MVC) is the pattern that it adheres to. Database-driven websites with complex and feature-rich design may be created using Django. 

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This backend framework facilitates optimal pluggability, reduced programming, increased reuse, and faster development. All Django activities are performed in Python, and an optional admin interface is provided to assist with operations like creation, reading, updating, and deletion. Django is used by many well-known websites like Disqus, Mozilla, and The Washington Times.

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Features of Django

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  • Open Source: Django is a Python-based web application framework that is available as free software.
  • Naming system:  Django introduces its own naming system for all tools and functions. Furthermore, it also has an easy to use admin panel as compared to Yii and Lavarel.
  • Some of Django's key features include simple syntax, MVC core architecture, ORM (object-relational mapping), Middleware support, and HTTP libraries. Django also has its own web server, a Python unit testing framework, and the components needed to solve some cases.

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2. Laravel

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Laravel is a Model-View-Controller (MVC) compliant open source PHP web framework for creating Symfony-based online applications. It provides a specialized dependency management and a modular packaging mechanism. Laravel also offers its users multiple ways to access relational databases along with application maintenance and deployment utilities. Laravel is licensed under an MIT license and has source code hosted on GitHub.

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Laravel Features

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  • Template Engine:  The Laravel framework features lightweight built-in templates that can be used to generate layouts and seed content. There are also widgets that contain JS and CSS code. Laravel templates are designed for the development of simple and complex sectioned layouts. 
  • Support for MVC architecture: Laravel provides MVC architecture pattern support to successfully separate the layers of business and presentation logic. The Laravel MVC offers many features, facilitates better performance, and improves both scalability and security. 
  • Eloquent Object-Relational Mapping:  Laravel users can use Eloquent Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), including a simple PHP active record implementation. ORM allows application developers to build database queries using PHP syntax without writing SQL code. An ORM is faster than other PHP frameworks in comparison. 
  • Security:  The Laravel framework provides strong security for web applications, with hashed password and salt modes. As a result, databases do not save passwords in plain text. The Bcrypt Hashing Algorithm is also used by Laravel for encrypted password generation. This development framework uses prepared SQL statements to reduce the chances of injection attacks.

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3. Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails, also known as Rails, is a Ruby-based server-side web application framework licensed under an MIT license. Rails are an MVC framework that provides default database structures, web pages, and web services. Ruby on Rails promotes the use of web standards such as XML or JSON for data transfers and CSS, JavaScript, and HTML for the interface. Rails prioritize the use of software engineering patterns, such as the active record pattern, the Convention on Configuration (CoC), and Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY).

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Features of Ruby on Rails 

  • MVC architecture:  Ruby on Rails is based on MVC, one of the most widely used web application architectures in the world. Developers who already have experience working with MVC patterns can get up and running quickly with Ruby on Rails. This architecture separates the codes by their functions, i.e. data layer, presentation layer and maintenance of a resource layer. 
  • Active Logging:  Ruby on Rails is based on a library known as active logging, which allows developers to effortlessly design database interaction queries. Queries are written in the Ruby programming language and converted to SQL queries that receive results and return objects. Ruby on Rails' active record library is quite capable, thus reducing the need to develop an SQL query.  
  • Configuration convention:  Ruby on Rails does not use configuration files, as it provides extensions, reflections, and dynamic conventions at runtime. It follows a “Convention over Configuration” approach to assign value automatically without requiring user intervention. Software systems like Java web application frameworks use multiple configuration files, and each has multiple settings. The convention increases productivity as users are not required to allocate time for the installation of the configuration file. 
  • Testing is simple:  Ruby on Rails offers RSpec, an easy-to-use unit test setup. Users can easily test features through separate calls and ensure that an application is properly tested.

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4. ExpressJS

Express.js, also referred to as Express, is an open source web application framework for Node.js that is distributed under the MIT license. It is regarded as a typical Node.js server framework and is employed to create APIs and online applications.

Features of ExpressJS

  • Fast server-side programming:  Express.js is a Node.js framework that offers many of the most commonly used features of Node.js. These functions can be used at different points in the program. Express JS developers can easily add a few lines of code instantly instead of writing large volumes of code. Developing web applications with Express is faster than developing with Node.js alone. 
  • Routing: Routing is a feature that allows web applications to retain the states of web pages via URLs. The URLs can be shared with others and users can visit the URLs to access the state storage page. Node.js offers a fundamental routing mechanism, compared to Express.js, which provides a more sophisticated routing mechanism capable of handling dynamic URLs. 
  • Debugging:  Bugs are quite common during development projects and can cause large-scale malfunctions in applications. Developers must identify the sources of bugs and fix them without delay. Express.js offers a convenient debugging system that allows developers to easily identify the causes of application errors.

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5. CakePHP

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A popular open source web framework is CakePHP. It adheres to the MVC design and is written in PHP. It has been made available under an MIT license and is based on the concepts of Ruby on Rails. CakePHP uses popular software design and engineering concepts, including active registration, front controller, Model-View-Controller, configuration convention, and data mapping.

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Features of CakePHP

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  • Database interactions with integrated CRUD
  • the community is friendly
  • Application scaffolding
  • Licensing is flexible 
  • MVC architecture
  • Support for multiple versions of PHP
  • code generation
  • Built-in validation
  • AJAX, HTML forms, JavaScript view helpers
  • Request dispatcher containing custom routes and URLs
  • Agile templates with PHP syntax equipped with helper
  • ACL flexibility
  • Caching flexibility
  • Location
  • Components for handling cookies, sessions, emails and requests
  • Functional in all website directories without much Apache configuration required

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6. Flask

Flask is a Python-based micro web framework that does not require any specific tools or libraries. This backend has no form validation, no database abstraction layer, and no components that require functions from external sources. Flask provides support for extensions that can add functionality in a way that makes it appear as if it is implemented within Flask.

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Features of Flask

  • It offers debugging functions and development servers.
  • WSGI Compliance 
  • Unicode-based backend
  • Compatible with Google App Engine
  • Use Jinja2 templates
  • Integrated unit test help
  • Extensions for better functionality
  • Secure cookies can be created

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The frameworks offer a crucial perspective on a designer's day-to-day activities. And if he doesn't plan ahead, he will have a hard time and experience keeping up with his opponents. Consequently, he should always be ready with his plan from the source and always choose a reliable web development company to help him decide on the right framework for his project. The specifics and elements of your unique project will typically determine which web development framework is best for your website. Each company and each person thinks of a web application framework that will have different influences. Therefore, you should make your decision based on your business requirements.

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