

When can be done to speed up your NodeJS application

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When can be done to speed up your NodeJS application

NodeJS is one of the best runtime environments to execute your code independently form a browser. For creating an effective and efficient web application Node JS is always a recommended option. To get such applications for your needs you can always hire developers providing node.js mobile app development for better results.

However, if you are one of those professional nodejs developers then you have that responsibility to create a website that is both responsive and attractive. Doing so can be tricky but with skills and techniques on your side you can make it happen. If you are missing some of those necessary tricks then no worries as we are going to discuss them right here right now.

Run parallel application interfaces

One of the major advantages that the NodeJS application provides its developers is that it allows them to run parallel APIs to collect different data from a single web page. This is important as you can simply make different internal application interfaces to fetch various data. Without this you would have to create separate middleware function in order to extract the same data, hence making your code larger, complex and more importantly you application slower.

It is always recommended to always look for ways through which you can make your website faster and avoid such fatal blunders that could affect the performance of your website. In this case, nodeJS provide you with the perfect solution, where you can do this task by efficiently assign these different task to a function and then running these function in parallel in syn with each other. Now due to its asynchronous and parallel nature, these functions are completely independent of each other, yet they function as a whole to accomplish the task.

So when you are working with your website we would highly recommend you to use async.js module in NodeJS to use javascript codes in parallel to each other. It's a lot easier and effective than create individual middleware to achieve this task.

Use Multi-threading

Threading is a concept that allows a developer to execute to create a path of executing a process within a process. This can be really useful when you want your application to performs multiple tasks. However, NodeJS by default does not support multiple threading, it’s just a single-threaded platform. So a simple synchronous code can bring your whole application down within seconds.

The only way to effectively deal with this issue is to write asynchronous code. This way if you want to execute long-running tasks that include blocking some of the operations, then your main thread will be locked out until this operation is finished to prevent your web application from clasping.

So make sure to use asynchronous code in the critical and complex part of your web application at least. Also, be careful about third-party modules and codes, take every precaution to prevent synchronous code. Its always better to be careful than writing synchronous code and make your web application slower and dull.

Use Cache for Faster Response

Yes its a bit of old fashioned, but even today it one of the most effective way to speed up both your application and your computer performance. Cache memory is an effective use of fast memory to store the data that is frequently needed by and system. Now in the case of a web application, this concept can be used as separate memory to store data that is most frequently required to run the web application. This reduces the need of reading thousands of lines of code and files to load that small piece of information to run the web application.

For instance, if you publish posts very frequently, you cache the posts array and other components that can help you improve your web applications performance. One of the best ways to achieve this with NodeJS is to use the Redis module. All need to do is first install the Redis module on the server you are running your web application on. After this, you would be able to use the node_resdis to store important information and keys. Hence increasing your web application performance drastically.

It is also important to understand how this would work before you implement it. So carefully read out the following points.

  • The first step is to check the cache memory for the key/information you are looking for.
  • Now if the information/key is available in the cache memory, we simply use it.
  • Else we check the database for the information and if it is available, we load the information to the cache first, then use it.
  • Now after the work is done we clear the cache for new information/key to be fetched.
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