

Integrar Fácil Laravel Livewire Comentarios con TailwindCSS

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Integrar Fácil Laravel Livewire Comentarios con TailwindCSS


As web developers, we are constantly on the lookout for tools and resources that can help us create an engaging and interactive user experience. One such feature is comments, which can encourage user interaction and foster a sense of community. 

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In this article, we will guide you through the process of integrating easy Laravel Livewire comments with TailwindCSS. This powerful combination will enable you to add a modern and responsive comment system to your Laravel applications, resulting in improved user engagement and increased user satisfaction. Please note that, your Laravel app should have tailwind and livewire already installed, as we'll not be covering setting up the app from scratch. 

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Let's dive in and learn how to integrate an interactive commenting system with Laravel Livewire and TailwindCSS. We'll be utilizing a Laravel library called Commentify, which is a powerful Laravel Livewire package designed to provide an easy-to-integrate commenting system for any model in your Laravel application.

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Step 1: Install Commentify

composer require usamamuneerchaudhary/commentify

Step 2: Register Service Provider

Add the service provider in config/app.php:


Step 3: Run DB Migrations

Once the package is installed, you can run migrations, php artisan migrate

Step 4: Publish Config File

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="commentify-config"

This will publish commentify.php file in config directory. Here you can configure user route and pagination count etc.

Step 5: Publish tailwind.config.js file:

This package utilizes TailwindCSS, and use some custom configurations. You can publish package's tailwind.config.js file by running the following command:

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php artisan vendor:publish --tag="commentify-tailwind-config"

Step 6: Add Commentable trait in your Model

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In your model, where you want to integrate comments, simply add the Commentable trait in that model. For example:

use Usamamuneerchaudhary\Commentify\Traits\Commentable;
class Article extends Model
    use Commentable;

Step 7: Add Livewire Component

Next step would be to add the livewire comments component to the respective view, where you wish to display your comments, and don't forget to pass in the model as a prop.

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<livewire:comments :model="$article"/>

Step 8: Add User Avatar Trait

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Additionally, add the HasUserAvatar trait in App\Models\User, to use avatars:

use Usamamuneerchaudhary\Commentify\Traits\HasUserAvatar;
class User extends Model
    use HasUserAvatar;


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Well, that's it, by following this step-by-step guide, you have successfully integrated Laravel Livewire comments with TailwindCSS using the Commentify library. This powerful combination enables you to add a modern, responsive, and engaging commenting system to your Laravel applications. The integration of Laravel Livewire and TailwindCSS, coupled with the Commentify library, provides an excellent solution for boosting user interaction and creating a sense of community within your web application. Don't wait any longer—try out this integration today and watch your user engagement soar!


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