

Las mejores preguntas de la entrevista Laravel con respuestas

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Las mejores preguntas de la entrevista Laravel con respuestas


Laravel is a popular PHP web framework that has gained significant traction in the web development community due to its elegant syntax, robust features, and ease of use. As a result, many companies are seeking skilled Laravel developers to build and maintain their web applications. To help you prepare for a Laravel technical interview, we've compiled a list of the top 10 Laravel interview questions, complete with code snippets and explanations. By understanding these concepts and gaining hands-on experience, you'll be better equipped to showcase your expertise during the interview process.

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Here are the top 10 technical interview questions for Laravel, along with their answers:

1. What is Laravel, and what are its key features?

Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework used for developing web applications. Key features include an elegant syntax, a robust template engine (Blade), Eloquent ORM, database migrations, RESTful routing, caching, authentication, and a powerful command-line tool (Artisan).

2. Explain the MVC architecture in Laravel.

MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. It's an architectural pattern for organising code in a way that separates data, presentation, and logic. In Laravel:

  • Model: Represents the data structure and handles database operations.
  • View: Represents the user interface and displays the data from the Model.
  • Controller: Acts as an intermediary between Model and View, receiving user input from the View and processing it with the Model.

3. What is Eloquent ORM in Laravel?

Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) is a powerful and feature-rich ORM included in Laravel. It provides a simple, expressive syntax for working with databases by mapping database tables to Model classes in PHP, making it easy to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.

4. How do you create a migration in Laravel?

To create a migration in Laravel, use the following Artisan command:

php artisan make:migration create_table_name

5. Explain middleware in Laravel

Middleware in Laravel are classes that can intercept and filterHTTP requests entering your application. Middleware can perform various tasks, such as authentication, logging, or caching, before passing the request to the appropriate controller method.

6. What is dependency injection in Laravel?

Dependency injection is a design pattern that promotes loose coupling by injecting dependencies into a class instead of creating them inside the class. Laravel supports dependency injection through its service container, automatically resolving dependencies when you type-hint them in your class constructors or controller methods.

7. How do you define and use routes in Laravel?

In Laravel, routes are defined in the routes/web.php file (for web routes) or routes/api.php file (for API routes). Here's an example of defining a simple web route:

Route::get('/hello', function () {
    return 'Hello, world!';

This code defines a GET route for the /hello URI, which returns the text "Hello, world!" when accessed.

Also Read: Custom PHP Routes

8. Explain the purpose of CSRF tokens in Laravel

CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) tokens are used to protect your application from CSRF attacks. They ensure that requests made to your application come from trusted sources (e.g., your own application) by including a unique, encrypted token with each form submission. Laravel automatically generates and verifies CSRF tokens for you.

9. What is the purpose of the .env file in Laravel?

The .env file in Laravel is used to store environment-specific configurations, such as database credentials, API keys, and other sensitive information. This file should not be committed to version control, as it may contain sensitive data. Instead, you should create a .env.example file with placeholders to provide a template for new team members or environments.

10. What is the role of the ServiceProvider class in Laravel?

Service Provider classes in Laravel are responsible for registering services, such as bindings and configurations, in the service container. They are a crucial part of the Laravel application bootstrapping process, and you can create custom ServiceProviders to register your own services or third-party packages.

Other Technical Questions

Other than the above few questions, employer or interviewer can also ask some more technical questions as below.

  1. What are service containers in Laravel, and how do they work?    

    Answer: Service containers, also known as the dependency injection container, are a powerful feature in Laravel that manages class dependencies and performs dependency injection. Service containers help resolve dependencies automatically when a class is type-hinted, making it easy to manage and swap out implementations.  
  2. How do you create and use custom Artisan commands in Laravel?  

    Answer: To create a custom Artisan command, run the php artisan make:command CustomCommand command, where CustomCommand is the desired command name. This creates a new command class in the app/Console/Commands directory. Define the command signature and description, and implement the handle() method to define the command's behaviour. Register the command by adding it to the commands method in app/Console/Kernel.php. To run the custom command, use php artisan your:customcommand.  
  3. What is the difference between "lazy" and "eager" loading in Laravel Eloquent?  

    Answer: Lazy loading retrieves related data on-demand when it's first accessed, while eager loading retrieves all related data upfront in a single query. Eager loading can improve performance by reducing the number of queries made to the database, while lazy loading may be more appropriate when related data isn't always needed.  
  4. How can you validate data in Laravel?  
    Answer: You can validate data in Laravel using the validate() method within a controller or by creating a FormRequest class. The validate() method accepts an array of validation rules and can be used for simple validation scenarios. For more complex validation or reusability, create a custom FormRequest class using php artisan make:request CustomRequest, define the rules within the rules() method, and type-hint the custom request in the controller method. 
  5. How do you implement authentication in Laravel?  

    Answer: Laravel provides built-in support for authentication using the php artisan ui bootstrap --auth or php artisan breeze install commands, which generate boilerplate code for registration, login, and password reset functionality. You can also use Laravel Fortify, Laravel JetStream, or Laravel Passport for API authentication
  6. What is the role of a Request class in Laravel?  

    Answer: The Request class in Laravel represents the current HTTP request made to the application. It provides an object-oriented way of interacting with request data, such as retrieving input values, uploaded files, and HTTP headers. You can type-hint the Request class in a controller method to access its features and easily validate or manipulate the request data. 
  7. How do you schedule tasks in Laravel?  

    Answer: Laravel provides a powerful task scheduler built on top of the Artisan console. To schedule tasks, define them within the schedule method in the app/Console/Kernel.php file. Tasks can be scheduled to run at specified intervals, such as every minute, hourly, or daily, and can be executed as closures, Artisan commands, or shell commands. 
  8. How can you send emails using Laravel?  

    Answer: Laravel provides a clean API for sending emails using the built-in Mail class, which is built on top of the SwiftMailer library. To send emails, configure your mail settings in the .env file, create a Mailable class using php artisan make:mail CustomMail, and define your email properties and views. You can then send the email using the Mail::to() method and the Mailable class instance. 
  9. What is the role of event listeners and broadcasting in Laravel?  

    Answer: Event listeners and broadcasting in Laravel allow you to create a decoupled and modular application architecture by defining events and their corresponding listeners. Events are fired when specific actions occur, while listeners define the logic that should be executed in response to those events. Broadcasting extends this concept to real-time applications by pushing events to the frontend, allowing for real-time updates and notifications. You can use Laravel's built-in event system, along with websockets and tools like Laravel Echo or Pusher, to implement real-time functionality in your application. 
  10. How does Laravel handle dependency injection?  

    Answer: Laravel uses a powerful IoC (Inversion of Control) container to manage dependencies. The IoC container is responsible for resolving dependencies and injecting them into classes. Laravel's Service Container makes it easy to bind interfaces to concrete implementations, enabling automatic dependency resolution through type-hinting in constructors or method signatures. 
  11. How do you create a custom validation rule in Laravel?  

    Answer: You can create a custom validation rule in Laravel by following these steps:
    1. Use the make:rule artisan command to generate a new rule class. For example, php artisan make:rule CustomRule
    2. In the generated class, implement the passes() method to define the validation logic.
    3. In the message() method, return the error message that should be displayed when validation fails.
    4. To use the custom rule in your validation, simply add an instance of the rule to your validation rules array. 
  12. What is the difference between include and require in PHP?  

    Answer: Both include and require are used to include the contents of one PHP file into another. The main difference is their behaviour when the specified file is not found or cannot be included:
    1. include: If the file is not found, PHP will emit a warning, but the script will continue to execute.
    2. require: If the file is not found, PHP will emit a fatal error and stop the execution of the script. 
  13. Explain the concept of namespaces in PHP?  

    Answer: Namespaces in PHP are a way of organising and encapsulating code, similar to how directories work for organising files. Namespaces help avoid naming collisions between classes, functions, and constants. They are especially useful when working with third-party libraries or large codebases where conflicts may arise. You can declare a namespace in PHP using the namespace keyword at the beginning of a file, followed by the namespace name. To reference classes, functions, or constants within a namespace, you can use the fully qualified name or the use statement for aliasing.     
  14. What is the difference between "==" and "===" in PHP?  

    Answer: In PHP, "==" is a comparison operator that checks for value equality, while "===" checks for both value and type equality.
    1. ==: Returns true if the values are equal, even if they are of different types. Type coercion will be performed if necessary.
    2. ===: Returns true only if the values and their types are equal. No type coercion will be performed. 
  15. What is concept of traits in PHP?  

    Answer: Traits in PHP are a mechanism for code reuse that allows developers to reuse code in classes without using inheritance. A trait is a collection of methods that can be used in multiple classes. Traits provide a way to compose behaviour into classes without requiring inheritance.

Also Read: Topics for Coding Interviews


Preparing for a Laravel technical interview can be challenging, but having a solid grasp of the core concepts and being able to demonstrate your knowledge through code snippets will set you apart from other candidates. The questions and code examples provided above cover key aspects of Laravel, such as the MVC architecture, Eloquent ORM, migrations, middleware, dependency injection, routes, CSRF tokens, the .env file, and ServiceProvider. By thoroughly understanding these topics and leveraging external resources such as the official Laravel documentation, Laracasts, and Laravel News, you'll be well on your way to acing your Laravel technical interview and landing your dream job.


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