

Arquitectura de la información y diseño web: Guía para principiantes

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Arquitectura de la información y diseño web: Guía para principiantes

Moreover, a solid foundation is necessary for a successful information delivery, and it’s where information architecture (IA) comes in.

Implementing and understanding the best practices for information architecture help web designers create content that brings value to users. If you’re not familiar yet with information architecture, read below to learn how it’s essential for web design and how to design one for your website.

An Overview Of Information Architecture

Generally, it’s a term used to describe how information or content is arranged and organized. It can relate to an app, a retail store, or a website.

Information architecture can make a difference in your website’s success. It determines how your visitors will access the information and how effective your user experience is. If your users stay on your website longer than you expected, it means that you have good information architecture.

Information architecture icon. Trendy modern flat linear vector information architecture icon on white background from thin line general collection, editable outline stroke vector illustration

Importance Of Using Information Architecture In Web Design

In order to stand out and stay ahead of the competition, you need to pay attention to the design of your website and its content. With that in mind, it’s essential to produce quality content for your target audience. If possible, ensure that your content is interesting, valuable, engaging, and accessible at the same time.

These days, time is the most precious asset for many people. For this reason, people expect to find solutions to their problems with minimum effort and time. If your visitors find it hard to use your website, read the text, or find their needed content, they’ll have an unpleasant experience with your website. As a solution, it’s wise to have well-designed information architecture.

Having information architecture will help you avoid many usability problems and ensure that your product meets the needs of your end users. It also helps your users achieve their goals and find the information they’re searching for, rather than struggling with unintuitive design and complex navigation.

Ways To Design Information Architecture

There are various factors to consider when designing information architecture for your web design. First and foremost, you need to consider the specific needs of your target audience since information architecture revolves around user satisfaction.

Unfortunately, the challenge throughout the process is understanding how your website works from the users’ perspective, as well as the ways to organize the information into a legible and readable format. The structure may also depend on what your business offers. For instance, if you compare a blog and a retail website, you’ll see different structures to accomplish particular objectives.

Here are some of the ways to create information architecture for your website:

  1. Group And Label Your Content

Content is your website’s gem, and it should always be taken seriously. Just remember to build your website around your content and not the other way around. When you have your content pieces, make sure to group them, prioritize them, and label them appropriately.

  1. Create Your Navigation And Sitemap

Once you’re done sorting your content, your next step is to define your website’s navigation path for your visitors to find the content they’re looking for in a few clicks. It’s where information architecture comes in handy. It may not be visible to your visitors, but it serves as your website’s backbone, and can be presented in spreadsheets and various kinds of diagrams, known as a sitemap.

To make a sitemap, you should have labeled and grouped content presented in a diagram. When done, you can make your website’s navigation. To create one, you should ensure that all user interface elements, such as footer, menu, local navigation, and filter, are connected correctly.

Best Practices For Information Architecture

If you want to create a well-designed information architecture, be sure to follow these practices below:

  • Navigation should be logical. Everything should make sense and avoid having a download button that leads to a registration page.
  • The structure should be your primary focus. Although hierarchy is crucial in information architecture design, it’s adjustable, and your webpages’ structure is something that should stay constant.
  • Follow the basic process for user experience. You can’t design a successful and comprehensive information architecture without research, resources, and some assets. It’s like telling an author to write a book without an outline.
  • In terms of designing information architecture, it’s critical to follow the blueprint. Specific user behaviors, individual pages, and context for decision points are essential factors to consider.
  • Interaction methods and user behavior keep on changing constantly, depending on the trends. For this reason, it’s necessary for your information architecture design to adapt to such changes.


All in all, information architecture is the foundation of exceptional user experience. It enables delivering relevant and well-organized content to the target end-users at the right time, making it convenient and easy for them to use your website. However, you have to take note that every website may need unique information architecture as it depends on your business. So, make sure to ask for help from professionals to get the best possible solution for your needs.

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