

¿Cuáles son los pasos para ser diseñador de identidad de marca?

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¿Cuáles son los pasos para ser diseñador de identidad de marca?

What Is Brand Identity Design?

With the emergence of different companies and brands, the need for a best brand identity designer has increased tremendously and one can find a career in this profession.

Brand Identity Designer

A brand identity designer influences the perception of the brand by using the strategy to create visual elements of your brand. The average annual pay for a brand identity designer is $73,023/year. 

Here, are the few steps that would guide you to be a brand identity designer:

Go for a course You need to have a genuine passion for design and creative culture. There are tons of online as well as offline courses available for this profession which are free or paid. Youtube is the new teacher for every field out there so you can also learn the key concepts through youtube videos and start working as a brand identity designer.

Creating a website

Sending resumes and emails is becoming an outdated approach nowadays, if you want to get good clients to create your website and talk about your work, qualifications, expertise and attach a few samples which will give an idea to the clients hiring you.

Talk about the goals, business

Once you get the right client, talk about the goals of the brand, the business for which you are creating a design, the budget the brand is offering you, and tell them about the power of a brand design to seal the deal.

More than a logo 

There is a misconception among companies that creating a design for the brand just includes the logo, so try informing the client that designing is not just a logo but other tools like the fonts, pieces, ideas, colors, and many more.

Research the industry

Sit back and do proper research on the industry you are dealing with, the services being offered, and analyze the competition in the market so that your design stands out.

Also Read: Areas of Design

Mood board

For an efficient design, you can reach out to the client and ask them to create a mood board as per their choice on Pinterest. This will help you identify the demand of the recruiter. You can use this technique if you are working for someone or creating a design for your own brand.

Tools you need

You will need tools to improve your design. Various software helps you with designing like Quarkexpress, Adobe In Design, and some provided in the link below. 

Create pdf

Once you create the design for the brand make a pdf with the sample design and look you have created and guide the client through all the little details you have provided, the reason for using the signs and symbols, and if there is any change to make before the final draft is prepared.

Use of custom web designs

Customizing the designs is highly appreciated and one can find many tools to customize the web design but the main role here is to understand the needs of the brand.


Taking feedback for your work is very important as this will attract more clients to you and try to be precise with the feedback.

Maintain social media appearance

Having social media and posting about your work and feedback you receive helps your job profile and can lead you to a great career in this profession.


The work concept is changing drastically and so is the need for brand identity designers. Creating a strong brand identity is the main function and developing your web design. One can have their own business and create the brand identity or can work as a part-time or full-time brand identity designer for other businesses and brands. 

Often this term is merged with logo designing but brand designing is a broader concept it also includes the website, business cards, email design. Also "brand image" is used interchangeably with "brand design" so there is a need to understand this concept thoroughly.

The design is the foundation of your brand identity, they are the assets that will determine how your brand is perceived and take your business to the next level. This will make you instantly recognizable and your audience will associate with your product or service, and that identity makes a connection between you and your customer. Brand identity design nails your identity and it is time to get into this profession and start designing. 

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