

Consultor SEO: Descripción del trabajo, salario y habilidades

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Consultor SEO: Descripción del trabajo, salario y habilidades

Over the past couple of years, the use of Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) has increased at a rapid speed and has evolved greatly with things like keywords and backlinks having a huge impact on the search engine rankings. With the increase in the use of SEO, the demand in the market for SEO consultants has also increased.

This is why in this article, we will be discussing the role a consultant SEO plays for an organisation alongside its job description, type of skill set required to become consultant SEO, and salary that you could expect from working as a consultant. If you are interested in hiring consultant SEO or aspiring to become one, this article can prove beneficial for you.

Also Read: SEO copywriting for Affiliate Marketing

Who is an SEO Consultant?

The role of a search engine optimization consultant is to evaluate, review, and enhance websites and search engine results outcomes, as well as incoming links, as a critical part of conveying expert opinions, assistance, useful tasks, and suggestions that help facilitate owners to earn more organic search engine traffic, competent business leads, and higher sea level rankings.

Job Description

SEO consultants' responsibilities include conducting research to establish appropriate website keywords, ensuring that all website pages are mobile-friendly, and identifying and implementing link-building strategies. These consultants might use Google Analytics to conduct tests and generate results. They may also conduct tests to identify trends and boost paid search return on investment (ROI).

They can help with optimizing landing page content as well as developing and implementing social media strategies. These consultants can also offer reports on website activity for organisational management. They may also be in charge of setting budgets and keeping track of project spending. SEO experts can assist in the creation of test programmes as website testers.

Required education and skill set for an SEO Consultant

To work as an SEO consultant, you will need a bachelor's degree. Moreover, at least 1 or 2 years of experience in either Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Search Engine Marketing (SEM). To efficiently perform their work tasks, SEO consultants will require good technological skills. Google Analytics, keyword research tools like SEMRush, and coding in CSS or HTML are all examples of relevant technical knowledge or abilities.

Further, one should know how to use MS Excel, PowerPoint and MS Word. To work with people such as search engine developers, and social media personnel, SEO consultants should have great communication skills. To correctly evaluate website data and implement solutions, these consultants also need to have strong analytical skills.

Expected Salary of an SEO Consultant

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) tracks 'search marketing strategists,' which fall under the category of 'computer occupations, all other.' According to the BLS, this broad category is estimated to rise by 6% between 2019 and 2029, faster than the average for all occupations. SEO professionals earned median yearly pay of $45,686 in December 2020, according to

Laiba Omer

Laiba Omer

Knack for writing and reporting on latest updates and news.