

¿Cómo se estructuran las empresas tecnológicas?

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¿Cómo se estructuran las empresas tecnológicas?

Why is the structure of tech companies important? In today’s day and age, there is a lot of competition regarding technological advancements. As a result, tons of tech companies strive to be the best. However, the trouble begins when a company tries to structure its proceedings. The question then arises: How is one supposed to organise their tech companies?

Tech Companies and Traditional Structures

The reason tech companies can’t adapt to a traditional business structure is their type of work. Usually, the companies are either offering specific digital products. If not, there might be a certain digital service they will offer.

The launches and changes don’t have to be carried out on a huge operational level for tech companies. This is quite the opposite of the traditional organisational system.

Structure of Tech Companies

The four major parts of any organisation are sales, marketing, HR, and legal. However, that’s not all. A basic structure of tech companies would include the following elements as well. 

  • A-Team on the Backend

The backend team consists of a leader, backend engineers, and developers. Considered as the heart of the entire enterprise, backend teams work on data structure, application logic, and coding. The leader will be working on the coordination and assigns of the work. Meanwhile, the engineers will tackle the application logic and coding process. Lastly, developers work on endpoints, etc.

  • UX Team

One of the most important things for all digital products or services is the user experience. This is where the UX team comes into play. The UX team works on the layout to ensure that the customers receive an easy, functional, and interesting experience. This team will also comprise researchers, designers, developers, and a leader to take them through it all.

  • Quality Assurance Team

The complication with digital products or services is that something minor can mess up the entire product. This is where quality assurance teams come into play. Designed to sniff out bugs, the lead, analysts, and testers in this team can find errors and fix them. Reports and analyses of these errors are done as well. There are certain standards of the quality settings, and the leader will be responsible for ensuring that the system complies with each.

  • DevOps

The DevOps team is another integral part of various tech companies. This team is responsible for ensuring the smooth transition of the product into the market. The team does everything from testing to managing cloud infrastructure and more. It comprises a cloud architect, system administrator, site reliability engineer, and the lead.

What More Can You Do?

Other than these, tech companies also need to incorporate marketing, sales, HR, and legal departments in their organisational structure. These departments will work on promotion, sales process, employee maintenance, and legal elements. The structure for tech companies needs to depend on the technology they use. Moreover, they should also consider their brand positioning and their competition. Furthermore, the structure must be evaluated after regular intervals to ensure success.

Laiba Omer

Laiba Omer

Knack for writing and reporting on latest updates and news.