

Fácil exportación de Excel en Laravel

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Fácil exportación de Excel en Laravel

Exporting Excel files come handy when you're building some inventory kind of an application. In this short tutorial, we'll go through on exporting excel files with Laravel & look on for some crazy hacks and tricks in between.

Installing the package

composer require maatwebsite/excel

Add the Service Provider & Facade

Right into your config/app.php, add the service provider.

'providers' => [



and the facade

'aliases' => [
  'Excel' => Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel::class,

Setup a simple route

Route::get( '/export', 'DataExporter@index' );

Add the functionality to the DataExporter Class

class DataExporter {

   public function index() {
      \Excel::create( 'file_name', function ( $excel ) {
         /** Set the spreadsheet title, creator, and description */
         $excel->setTitle( 'your_file_title' );
         $excel->setCreator( 'creator_name' )->setCompany( 'company_name' );
         $excel->setDescription( 'This is the description of the exported excel file' );

         /** Creating a simple sheet */
         $excel->sheet( 'sheet_name', function ( $sheet ) {
            /** Manipulating Rows */
            $sheet->row( '1', array(
               'First Row Heading'
            ) );

            $users = User::all();
             * Filter through each of users
             * @var  $key
             * @var  $value
            foreach ( $users as $key => $value ) {
               $sheet->SetCellValue( "A" . $key, $value->name );
         } );

      } )->get( 'xlsx' );

Updated for v3.*

There's been major changes in the newer version of this package. So we'll be using the similar User collection approach and will achieve it using the newer version.

We'll move the User collection to a separate file. Let's name is UserExporter.php

class UserExporter implements FromCollection, WithHeadings,ShouldAutoSize {

    * @return Collection
   public function collection() {
      return User::all();

    * @return array
   public function headings(): array {
      return [
         'First Row Heading',

Now back to our DataExporter class, let's simply things up a little in our index() method.

return Excel::download( new UserExporter(), 'users.xlsx' );


Well thats it, simply hit the /export in your browser and you'll get a popup to download your excel file. Generating an excel export was never this simple before. For more information about this awesome package, check out the documentation website.


Usama Muneer

Usama Muneer

A web enthusiastic, self-motivated & detail-oriented professional Full-Stack Web Developer from Karachi, Pakistan with experience in developing applications using JavaScript, WordPress & Laravel specifically. Loves to write on different web technologies with an equally useful skill to make some sense out of it.