

Evite Estos 5 Errores Para Nunca Equivocarse Con El Desarrollo De Laravel

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Evite Estos 5 Errores Para Nunca Equivocarse Con El Desarrollo De Laravel

One of the major benefits of Laravel is that it eases the development process for programmers without compromising on the web app features and functionalities. When you hire expert Laravel developers for your project, you will see how crucial tasks like authentication, session, routing, caching, etc. are programmed in a simplified manner. 

Laravel has made quite a name for itself when it comes to server-side or backend programming and can improve the way web apps are developed. Despite the many advantages that the framework boasts, there are chances that the programmer may end up compromising your web app’s performance. 

If they are not careful and repeat the same mistakes many are doing, your app’s performance will deter. To avoid that from happening, we have created this list of mistakes that every Laravel developer must avoid during development. 

Let’s have a look! 

Beware of These Laravel Development Mistakes 

1. Not removing/transferring development configurations & variables

When coding with Laravel, programmers use configuration files stored under the ‘Config’ directory. Such files enable coders to configure crucial information like mail server information, connection information, encryption key, application time zone, etc. 

Such information is critical to any business and when in the wrong hands, it can wreak havoc. Understandably, developers have to remove or transfer these development configurations and variables before the product goes live. 

But in haste, one may forget to do this step. In case this information is uploaded accidentally in the production environment, it gives free access to hackers to invade your site. 

Fix - It is best practice to create and use a staging environment. Most developers try to skip this step and move to the production environment directly from development to save time. But, since the staging environment is a replica of the production environment, it becomes easier for developers to test the product for any potential errors. They can also remove the development configurations and variables in this stage before the product goes live. 

2. Forgetting to run backups

A Laravel developer can create a backup of their codes along with a database in a zip file. This you can store in any configured filesystems. It is a great development practice to create regular backups of your code so you don’t find yourself in a pickle when things go south. 

What if one day your poor backup practices led you to rework or miss a deadline? We don’t say you should backup multiple times in a day, but at least once a day is ideal. You can even create a backup for your clients as well so they have a safety net to fall back on. 

Fix - Make it a practice to create a backup of your code before you wind up for the day. This practice can save you from re-coding, missing deadlines, or struggling to fix an already-solved problem. 

3. Not using migration features 

Migrations are essential in a Laravel development environment to help database schemas evolve when there is a change in requirements. It is best to utilize the migration features when programmers need to add or update new columns to the database. 

However, the process appears to be time-consuming and many developers make it a practice to manually add these data fields and tables. Even if the process is fast, it isn’t ideal to manually change the database fields as it can put the database out of sync or may create problems when you try to roll back. 

Fix - It is best to utilize Laravel migration whenever you want to modify or add to database tables. You don’t have to write SQL codes for it. Programmers can benefit significantly from it as it aids in rollback changes, incremental changes, and keeping the database in sync. The method is extremely useful as every change is recorded and can be used in time. 

4. Mistakes in writing routing logic 

Coders can use routing in the Laravel framework to route the app demands to suitable controllers. But it is often seen that programmers end up doing mistakes while writing the Routing logic. 

Often, they mistakenly write a “get” rule in place of a “post” rule or forget to add new routes. This can cause “404 errors” and developers may have a hard time debugging the errors and finding a solution. 

Fix - Programmers have to be extra careful when writing routing logic and follow standard development practices to avoid any errors. 

5.Forgetting to set the application key  

When you install the Laravel framework, the first thing you should do is set the application key. If you don’t set it, there are chances that sensitive data like encrypted data and user sessions will be susceptible to cyber theft. 

Fix - If you have used the Laravel Installer or installed it using a composer, chances are the key is by default set up using the PHP artisan key - generate command. If not, you need to set it to a 32-character long random string. Programmers can set it in the .env environment file. In case it is named as ‘.env.example’, you need to change its name to ‘.env’. 

Also Read: Top 10 reasons to choose Laravel

These are some common mistakes that Laravel programmers often tend to make. Read this list and prevent yourself from making the same mistakes again during Laravel development. When you hire Laravel developer, you can also train them to adopt best development practices and avoid such mistakes for efficiency. 


Laravel development can help you in greater ways only when programmers follow good development practices. Making mistakes like not creating backups or not following migration features can break your app’s performance. This blog discusses some of the development mistakes of Laravel developers. 

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