

5 proyectos interesantes de Django en Github

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5 proyectos interesantes de Django en Github

If you're a Python or Django enthusiast or started learning the framework , this article will definitely lead you to some cool django open source repositories to take ideas from and implement into your own projects.

DJANGO Real World Example App

The Django real world app repository is a medium clone called Canduit, where users can post articles, sort by tags, favourite articles, and follow other users. Under the hood, the project authenticates users with JSON web tokens, includes multiple CRUD operations, and has built-in pagination.

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Cookie Cutter Django

The CookieCutter Django is less about learning how to implement different frameworks and more about providing a kickstart for your next Django project. Numerous packages are already implemented from the beginning including, django-alluth for social authentication, anymail for email integration, media storage using Amazon S3, custom user models, and plenty of other optimisations to help you get started. The Github Repository also has helpful links on extending the project as well as the official documentation, which is fairly robust and contains different deployment options.

Django Oscar

Django Oscar is an ecommerce framework for Django. You can simply clone this project from Github and get started customizing your own ecommerce site with configurable products, pricing, shipping, and many other features. The documentation is comprehensive containing a range of helpful information from suggestions on how to model your catalogue to specific design decisions from the teams, such as implementing abstract models to make Django oscar as customizable as possible.

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Mezzanine Django

Mezzanine is a content management system (CMS) built on Django. Similiar to WordPress, users can use an admin panel to manage blog articles, form data, and different web pages. Some of the built-in features include scheduled posting, WSYIWYG editor, a choice between disqus or the built-in commenting system, and google analytics integration. The admin design is a little outdated, so you might want to replace the bootstrap 3 stylesheet with a newer version.

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Wagtail is another CMS built using Django. Unlike Mezzanine, wagtail has a much newer and streamlined design and is used by Google, Mozilla, and MIT. Compared to some of the other projects on this list, there are a lot more recent commits on their Github repository and feature releases are scheduled every 3 months.

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