

PHPStorm 2020.1 Released

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PHPStorm 2020.1 Released

Out-of-the-box Composer.json support

All dependency management actions are now available directly as you edit the composer.json file.

You can create a new file composer.json. The template of this file can be found in Preferences/Settings | Editor | File and Code Templates.

Autocompletion will also work if you need to specify the required version of PHP and extensions.

In the popup for packages, you can find information from about the number of downloads and stars. All the information about packages and their versions is taken from and cached.

Code coverage with PCOV and PHPDBG

You can get a code coverage report by using Xdebug. But since it is primarily a debugger, it has a significant overhead. To speed up reporting of coverage, you can use lighter tools such as the krakjoe/pcov extension or PHPDBG.

Both are now supported in PhpStorm. You need to create a Run configuration for tests and select the desired coverage driver in the settings. And then run tests with coverage report.

PHPUnit Toolbox

In the recently released PHPUnit 9, many features have been removed or declared obsolete. To speed up migration and prevent errors, we have added lots of inspections and quick-fixes.

More for PHP

And even more for PHP:

  • New inspections
  • Move Method refactoring
  • PHP Debug in HTTP Client
  • Advanced Metadata improvements

More New Features

You can checkout more new features on JetStorms official blog
Also check out the video below.

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Usama Muneer

Usama Muneer

A web enthusiastic, self-motivated & detail-oriented professional Full-Stack Web Developer from Karachi, Pakistan with experience in developing applications using JavaScript, WordPress & Laravel specifically. Loves to write on different web technologies with an equally useful skill to make some sense out of it.