To manage the PDF documents on the device, the best and safest technique is to get help from an online PDF merger as it will help you combine a lot of files in a very short time.
For that purpose, you may have tried a lot of PDF combiners on the search engine that are providing assistance in organizing documents and is at the top of the list among these online tools.
Many users ask about this online tool that makes it so special. Why this online PDF combiner is the best option.
Well, there are a lot of reasons that make this online tool a better choice and people prefer to use this PDF file combiner for merging the documents.
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In this article, we will talk about the top features that this online tool is providing to its users and make their file managing tasks easy.
Top Features of
Here is the list of top benefits that can be availed of from this PDF combiner online to combine PDF files for free.
1. All-in-one tools
The first and most favorite feature of MergePDF.iois that it works as an all-in-one tool.
Not only you can combine the PDF files in this tool, but it also allows you to change the format of the files and convert them to PDF.
Here you will get some other tools that include PowerPoint to PDF, Excel to PDF, Word to PDF, Heic to PDF, and Image to PDF. You can change the format of all these documents and keep them as PDFs.

2. 100% free of cost
No matter for which purpose you are using this online PDF combiner, all the features will be free in this online tool.
You can combine unlimited PDF documents in this PDF merger without any restriction. This feature helps in saving your money and managing PDF documents for free.
3. Reorder files before merging
While you upload the PDF files in the online PDF merger, you may not import them in the required sequence.
Therefore, it is quite important to set the order of the files before combining them.
MergePDF allows you to set the sequence of the files. For it, you need to drag the files and put them in the required position.
4. No compatibility issue
On top of all the features, one notable thing about this online tool is that you can open it on all devices no matter which operating system you are using.
Whether you are using this online tool on the Mac, Windows, or Linux, it will work smoothly on all the operating systems.
5. Upload multiple files at once
In this online PDF combiner, you can merge a lot of PDF documents at once and boost your working speed easily.
This online PDF merger allows you to import multiple PDF files at once and merge them all in a single go.
6. Supports multiple languages

You are not restricted to using this PDF combiner in one language only. In fact, people from all over the globe can get help from this online tool.
MergePDF supports multiple languages that include German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Indonesian, English, Russian, etc.
7. Easy to use
The interface of this online PDF combiner is very simple. There are just a few steps that you need to consider for merging the PDF files.
There is no need to learn about the working procedure of this online PDF merger to combine PDF files.
You just have to upload the files here and hit the merge button and combine them.
8. Upload files using multiple ways
Using this online PDF merger, you can import PDF documents in multiple ways.
This online tool allows you to upload files from Google Drive, Dropbox, or Device folder.
Also Read: How to create PDF files
Not only this, but you can also insert the links of the PDF documents in the URL box if the files are present online.
Working Procedure
The working process of MergePDF is very simple. You can operate this PDF combiner in quite an easy manner.
Here we will tell you the steps that you need to follow for joining the documents.
- Go to the search engine and open MergePDF.
- Here you will see multiple options for uploading the files. Import the PDF documents that you are looking to merge.
- Make sure that all the documents are kept in a sequence. If not, you can drag the documents and set their position.
- Click on the merge button and the tool will compile all the PDF files into one in a few seconds.
- Now hit the download button and save the new file on your device.
Who Can Use MergePDF?
MergePDF is a versatile tool that can assist people from every field. You will not face any kind of restriction while using this online tool.
Students don’t have to worry about managing their assignmentsas they can get help from this online PDF combiner free of cost.
They just have to upload the files in this online tool that they want to combine and once they hit the merge button, this online PDF combiner will join all the files in just a few seconds.
Researchers have to manage a lot of data that they have collected during their research work. So, the best way is to merge the files and keep them in order.
Also Read: How to merge PDF files on a mac
MergePDF is an amazing assistance that can be helpful in this regard as they can compile all their research data in one place.
HR managers
HR managers often get worried while organizing employees’ records.
Managing the data of all the employees is not a simple job and the HR department has to do it perfectly.
For it, they can get help from MergePDF and combine all the documents related to the job of the employee or salary.
Final Thoughts
The search engine is full of top-notch PDF combiners and among them, MergePDF is the best of the bests because of a lot of unique features.
In this post, we have talked about all the benefits that you can get from this free PDF combiner to join your PDF documents.
Hope this article will be quite informative for you. If you have any questions in your mind regarding this topic, feel free to ask them in the comments box.
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