

Ordenar el código con Laravel Route Model Binding

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Ordenar el código con Laravel Route Model Binding


Laravel Route Model binding is a great way to speed up your development and is a good way to clean up your code a bit. Laravel Route Model binding provides a convenient way to inject class instances into your routes.

For example, instead of injecting a user's ID, you can inject the entire User class instance that matches the given ID.

Basic Routing

Most of the routes in your application are located in /routes/web.php file, which are loaded by App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider class. The most basic Laravel Route accepts a URI and a closure.


Route::get('/', function(){

    return 'Hello world';



Let's say we want to visit a User by their IDs, we normally have the following Route setup to achieve this.


Route::get('/users/{id}', function($id, App\User $user){

    $user = $user->findOrFail($id);


Route Model Binding

With Laravel Route Model binding, this process simplifies to some extent & its a quite easy way to do thing like these.

To use Route Model binding, we first need to register the Model inside of the boot() method of RouteServiceProvider class.

public function boot(Router $router)

Now, we can use the user binding inside of our /routes/web.phpfile to achieve the similar results:


Route::get('/users/{user}', function($user){
  //we can now directly say

Final Words

Laravel Route Model binding works well with nested URIs which sometimes quite difficult to tackle with basic routing. So give it a try yourself and try if thats work our for you. If you have any feedback or comments, write down in the comment box below. You can also follow us on Twitter.

Usama Muneer

Usama Muneer

A web enthusiastic, self-motivated & detail-oriented professional Full-Stack Web Developer from Karachi, Pakistan with experience in developing applications using JavaScript, WordPress & Laravel specifically. Loves to write on different web technologies with an equally useful skill to make some sense out of it.