

Desarrollador Ruby on Rails: Descripción del puesto, salario y habilidades

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Desarrollador Ruby on Rails: Descripción del puesto, salario y habilidades

At this point, it is common knowledge that Ruby on rails is part of the vast industry of web development. This field is famously known to consist of multiple programming languages, technologies as well as frameworks. Mostly web developers take specific programming languages within one stack of technology and use them with specific libraries and frameworks.

Just like that, Ruby is famous for being paired with rails. That is the framework that you will, more times than less, see whenever Ruby is mentioned. There is obviously a reason for this, and that is that this framework works really well with Ruby and is a driving force when it comes to working within it long term.

In this article, we will be focusing on what it is, the kind of skill set you need to have to work with it, what salary you can expect if you do, and the job description as a Ruby on Rails developer.

What is Ruby?

Ruby is a programming language that was originated within Japan by a person named Matsumoto. He wanted to make the lives of programmers easier as well as fun. These were two factors that he, as a developer, could not find within famous programming languages such as that Python. Hence Ruby is, then, an easy to learn as well as a high-level programming language designed specifically for convenience.

What is Ruby on Rails? What Skills do you Need to Work with This Framework?

Rails are just a web application that was designed under the MIT license. It was explicitly detailed for Ruby hence the strong connection between the two. When Ruby web developers look for jobs, they are always asked for their experience when working with it on the framework of rails. It is a skill to have when you are working as a Ruby on rails developer.

Job Description

Ruby on rails developers are not unlike day to day Web developers. Their skills include debugging, writing, testing, and designing, amongst other things. Their job also includes developing applications as well as maintaining or updating ones that already are in existence.

The Salary of Ruby on Rails Developer

Ruby on rails developers usually gets the same amount of salary as other developers. To name a few, Python, as well as JavaScript developers, have similar salaries as them. Average front end developers do not usually earn this much. At the same time, such developers earn about $69,000, on average, per year. On the other hand, Ruby on rails developers earns approximately $79,000 annually.

This is all you need to know about Ruby on rails developers. In conclusion, Ruby is an excellent programming language that makes web developers' lives convenient and hassle-free. At the same time, it is designed to be fun and kill monotony. If you plan to become a Ruby on rails developer, know that it requires about the same skills as that of a typical Web developer and the job description is also not different. At the end of the day, Ruby on rails developers make good money and are also quite popular at the moment.

Laiba Omer

Laiba Omer

Knack for writing and reporting on latest updates and news.