

Mac o PC: ¿Cuál funciona mejor para las pequeñas empresas?

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Mac o PC: ¿Cuál funciona mejor para las pequeñas empresas?

When it comes to Macs vs. PCs, both have their advantages, although Macs are generally preferable for specific tasks. Depending on how you want to use your gadget, one may be more useful than the other.

It's also a crucial argument to make if you're a small business owner. 

We have evaluated PCs and Macs across four essential factors to help you make an informed decision.

Let’s first discuss Pc and Mac before diving into four factors


A Mac is a type of personal computer that is developed and distributed by Apple Inc. and operates on the Mac operating system, sometimes known as Mac OS. 

Mac computers use an operating system that is distinct to them, and the same is valid for the hardware. As a result, the operating system maximizes the computer's performance, resulting in stable systems.

For a long time, Macs have been compatible with quality graphic design. Apple items have a pleasing appearance and are purchased only for that reason. 

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There are several graphic design tools and software that are only available for Mac. Like, for example, the Best MacBook pro monitor offers a variety of Mac monitors based on their appearance, number of reviews, and price range.


A PC is a low-cost, general-purpose system that is built for a single end-user. The microprocessor model enables PC makers to put the whole central processing unit (CPU) on a single chip.

PCs are used in businesses to handle jobs such as finance, word processing, and database management. PCs are used at home for streaming phones to PCs, gaming, and accessing the Internet. Even though PCs are designed to be single-user devices, it is common to join them to form a network, such as a local area network (LAN).

Source [FreePik]

Four Factors to Consider Before Selecting

1. Cost

Whether you use a Mac or a PC, depends on the cost. One of the most significant disadvantages of Macs is that they are generally more expensive than PCs. 

A MacBook Air, which is one of the cheaper alternatives, costs roughly $999, while an iMac costs about $1,100. If your employees need sophisticated technology to operate the resource-intensive app, your organization will have to pay much more.

Another concern is that Apple is the only company that makes Mac products. That means hardware options and customizations are confined. When a MacBook battery dies after the warranty period has expired, you'll have to pay at least $130 for a substitute. 

All these expenses pile up for small businesses. But the best part is that Macs can last 7-10 years on average. Whereas PCs only last 3-5 years and must be updated frequently. If you have constant processing needs for the coming years, Macs are a wonderful long-term investment.

Windows PCs are available in a variety of price ranges and hardware configurations. There are inexpensive systems for as little as $400. As well as expensive personal Computers featuring high-end hardware that price well over $6,000.

Source [FreePik]

2. Security

According to Malwarebytes' 2020 State of Malware Report, the number of cyber threats on Mac terminals was roughly double that on Windows terminals in 2019. Furthermore, there was a 400% increase in the occurrence of threats on Macs compared to the prior year.

As a result, if you want to keep your data safe, a PC is the superior option. Furthermore, Windows 10 includes built-in Windows Safety, which ensures that you have the most up-to-date antivirus no matter how you operate your system.

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But Macs are less susceptible to attacks doesn't ensure businesses can relax their security standards. Cybersecurity on both Macs and PCs is updated regularly.

3. Ease of Use

Macs have an advantage over PCs in terms of user experience. Because of their easy setup and simple design. Designers are continuously enhancing Mac OS designs and introducing performance enhancements. So that everyone, from creatives to industry professionals, can run quickly.

Other workers may choose the style of PCs, despite Mac's clean design. In reality, Windows accounts hold 75.94 percent of the industry share in the United States, while Macs account for only 16.71 percent. 

That means, in comparison to Macs, more users will be comfortable with the Windows interface and work faster with less training. Because of their universal search feature, built-in chatbots, and designed menus. 

Users can attach their headsets and controllers to their PC with confidence. With a GPU, an editor can attach a camera and examine dynamic visuals. If you work remotely, you can attach up to four extra displays to manage your apps. While the latest Macs can only connect to one monitor.

Source [FreePik]

4. Customizability

PCs allow your business to pick hardware components that operate your devices. PCs can be modified down to the CPUs, RAM, storage drives, and displays, allowing you to make a device that best serves.

This also allows your team to update your systems when it requires extra RAM or storage space. Thus, enables you to extend the life of your system and keep your gadgets up to date without shattering the budget.

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Because Macs have a closed hardware environment, they can't accept those extra setups. This means you won't know what non-Apple gadgets will function and what is suitable for your systems. Mac devices offer limited update and customization options. 

Some Macs even attach SSD and other hardware to the processor, making upgrades impossible. When your hardware requirements exceed your present Macs, your only alternative is to pay for a brand-new gadget.


There are many factors to consider while deciding whether Mac or PC is the ideal operating system. Knowing your business demands is critical when deciding whether it's worth investing in MacBooks or PCs. Many businesses have discovered that a combination of devices works best for their teams. 

As long as Macs and PCs are the two most popular hardware and operating systems, the dispute will rage on. Each system excels at different tasks. It all depends on what characteristics are most essential to you and how you want to use the system. Whatever you decide, have fun!

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