

¿Utilizan IA las casas inteligentes?

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¿Utilizan IA las casas inteligentes?

The simple answer to this question is yes! What makes intelligent homes smart is that there is AI used in different house areas. Today, with the help of technological advancements, people can add a lot of convenience to their lives. What's more, this convenience is brought with the help of artificial intelligence or AI. Today smart home uses Artificial Intelligence in different departments. 

How Smart Homes Use AI

Security Purposes

The first and foremost reason AI is used in smart homes is safety. According to statistics, around 36 million homes in the United States have security systems installed. It can add a higher layer of home security Since AI has various features such as facial recognition. There are also AI-powered night cameras and surveillance systems that do wonders for home security. Some Artificial Intelligence devices are also good at threat analysis which is great for home security.

Safer Neighborhoods

 Many homeowners like to have smart homes and intelligent neighbourhoods. Artificial intelligence can identify the faces that belong in a compound with facial recognition systems. Moreover, it can also alert the authorities or homeowners of any suspicious activity. Furthermore, Artificial Intelligence also helps make smart homes since intelligent locks can now be activated with the help of our cell phones.

Smart Homes and Kitchens

All the energy lies in the kitchen when it comes to a home. This is where the hustle-bustle takes place. This is also one of the rooms in the house that we can't live without. Since kitchens hold such importance, you must turn yours into a bright kitchen. AI works wonders in intelligent homes for various kitchen-related activities. 

For instance, one might use AI to set timers on food. Now, you won't have to deal with undercooked food. Some smart homes even have AI devices that can start the pre-heating process with the click of a button on your phone. Furthermore, you can also manage the temperature of stoves and ovens through AI. 

Everyday Activities

As mentioned earlier, AI can add convenience and ease to your life. People think that AI is just flying cars, etc., but that's not true. You can save a lot of time, effort, and energy with such devices. Some examples of Artificial Intelligence devices used for everyday activities include robotic vacuum cleaners, temperature adjustment, light sensors, and more.

Furthermore, voice recognition and cloud settings are more things. Sometimes Artificial Intelligence devices can even turn off electronics after a certain period. This way, you can save a lot of energy.

Artificial Intelligence and VA

What do you mean by VA? VA is short for voice assistants. Today, a lot of intelligent homes have voice assistant technology. With the help of this technology, you can take care of many actions. All you have to do is send out voice commands, and the voice assistant will do the job for you. The best thing about voice assistants is that they can save your data.

Technology is constantly helping us in making our lives easier. Mentioned above are just ways AI can help you turn your house into a smart home. 

Laiba Omer

Laiba Omer

Knack for writing and reporting on latest updates and news.