

11 Consejos para aumentar los seguidores en la cuenta de Instagram

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11 Consejos para aumentar los seguidores en la cuenta de Instagram

If you are someone who wants to share the snippets of your everyday life with others, Instagram is for you. But make sure you post the right stuff and carefully view all your images before putting them on Instagram. 

Publish Multiple Photos

You can add photos and videos to your Instagram account to let people know what you are up to and other stuff. Adding multiple images to your stories is possible, and if you learn how to post multiple photos on instagram on a single post and take advantage of it, you should have even more options when coming up with content variety.

Post Interactive, Colorful Photos & Videos

Instagram profiles are all about providing value in the form of information or updates to your followers. While posting on Instagram, your objective should be publishing videos or images that evoke emotions such as motivation, happiness, love, humor, etc. High-quality pictures with a clear message to which people can easily attract the most attention. 

Use Hashtags, But Select Them Wisely

Adding hashtags to your Instagram posts helps increase its reach to the targeted audience, encourage engagements, and attract followers. However, some people use it differently by adding way more hashtags than actually required. Sometimes, the captions are bloated with hashtags, and many of them are not even relevant to the post, pictures, and messages added to Instagram. 

Don’t Overdo Filters to Your Image

With a bunch of filters, Instagram gives you a way to make your pictures more intuitive. You can use a plethora of filters to make your photos look stylish; however, this is something that almost every Instagram user knows. Though the colorful pictures always get attention, it’s relatively important to keep them natural-looking. Filter effects appear tempting but limit them to keep the color and contrast normal. 

Post Often to Keep Your Followers Engaged

To keep your followers engaged with your profile, post useful content regularly, but that doesn't mean that you have to post daily. Posting once every alternate day is frequent and sufficient to keep your existing followers interested and attract new ones. If you post once a month, don't be surprised to see your follower's list shrinking.

Post' In-the-moment' Stories

Stories are not permanent as they stay only for 24 hours and disappear automatically. You can spot stories at the top of the feed as circular bubbles that you can tap. They are the more feasible way to connect with the followers, as well as a medium to interact with your followers and keep them engaged. 

Interact with Your Followers Regularly

Take note of your loyal followers who like and comment on your post regularly. Let them know that you value them, and don't forget to interact with them. Reply to their comments and check out their profile, and like a few of their posts. To keep track of the likes and comments on your Instagram account, you can use a third-party tool. 

Stay Away From Back Hat Practices

In the digital world, there's a lot of hype around buying followers, but that's something you should never practice. Although you can get some huge numbers for quite cheap, they will be fake and inactive, so there are chances of losing your genuine followers if they sense the same. Suppose you have 15000 followers, but there are not even a thousand likes or shares for your post, you will lose credibility among your real followers. 

Also Read: Why Instagram reels are important

Stay on Top of Stuff Trending on Instagram

Other than shoutouts and hashtags, trends are great to increase your followers and improve engagements. Try to keep up with the latest trends so that you won't be left behind or put yourself on the verge of losing precious followers. Instagram Trends is something that many people are interested in, so staying on top of it will be beneficial.

Try Shoutout for Shoutout

Keeping in touch with your existing followers is important, but you should always strategize on reaching out to more people. One of the more effective ways to reach out to a large number of followers is shoutout or S4S (shoutout for shoutout) with another account with a similar follower range. Two users can agree to give each other a shoutout post. This technique is used by a number of users for growing their accounts.

Use Hidden Words & Limits to Control Comments

As you gain popularity on Instagram and your account grows, others might find it as the opportunity to abuse you via comments. Use Limits features that specifically aim at preventing and controlling abusive comments by using various standards. 

Instagram automatically hides the comments from people who are newbies and are not following you. If at any moment, you feel that your account is not performing well, you can delete it and start from scratch or rethink your strategy and move from there.

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