

Useful Github Repositories for Developers

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Useful Github Repositories for Developers

We'll be updating this list frequently with new useful repositories. If you're a developer or technologies enthusiast, we suggest to bookmark this page for future.

CSS Protips

The CSS Protips repository contains a bunch of tips to help improve your CSS skills. Complete list of CSS Protips can be found on the repository link.

Public APIs

If you're continuously working in crazy project ideas and utilizing several APIs. This Public APIs repository will save you some time with the collection of free APIs for use in software and web development on the go.

App Ideas

If you're looking for new APP ideas to work on and improve your development skills. This App Ideas Repository is for you with a wide variety of app ideas for your next big project.

Also Read: Code formatting with Laravel Pint

Build your own X

Build your Own X is a list of resources for building whatever you want to build, like OS,Shell, Bot, Git, Database, Blockchain, like anything.

Design Resources

The Design Resources Repository contains many resources for developers like UI Libraries, graphics, stock assets, animation, and much more.

Learning Resources

Learning Resources repository is a list of free learning resources in many programming languages, including books, courses, podcasts, and many more.

Real World

With Real world Repository, you can learn to create a same clone with different technologies, frameworks, or libraries.

Front-end Checklist

Front-end checklist repository is an exhaustive list of all elements you need to have or to test before launching your website or HTML page to production.

TWT Staff

TWT Staff

Writes about Programming, tech news, discuss programming topics for web developers (and Web designers), and talks about SEO tools and techniques