

Top 8 Reasons Why Your App Needs an Efficient Ul/UX Design

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Top 8 Reasons Why Your App Needs an Efficient Ul/UX Design

Discover the Reasons to Investing in Good Ul/UX Design for Your Mobile App

Your app is only as good as your user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). If you are not putting enough time and effort into these aspects of your app, then you are doing yourself a disservice. In this blog post, we will discuss the top 8 reasons why an efficient UI/UX design is essential for your mobile app.

Let's take eCommerce as an example. Recent studies revealed that almost 2/3rd of online users start their sessions on eCommerce sites through mobile apps. This is because smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, and people rely more on mobile devices for shopping purposes. Whether you have an existing eCommerce store or planning to develop one with the help of an eCommerce development agency, it is crucial to focus on providing an efficient user interface (UI) and user experience (UX).

There was a time when mobile apps were nothing more than an afterthought. But those days are long gone. Today, the mobile app is one of the most important elements of any business. In fact, a well-designed and efficient mobile app can be the difference between success and failure. Unfortunately, many businesses don't realize this until it's too late. They launch their app without giving proper thought to the user interface (UI) or user experience (UX). This can be a costly mistake.

Also Read: Fundamentals of UI vs UX 

What Is the Difference Between UX and UI Design?

Before we dive into the reasons why UI/UX design is essential for your mobile app, let's take a quick look at the difference between UX and UI design:

  • UI design refers to the graphical interface of your app. This includes the layout, color scheme, typography, buttons, icons, etc. In short, it is everything that the user sees when they open your app. 
  • UX design, on the other hand, is all about how easy and enjoyable it is to use your app. It includes factors such as navigation, overall flow, content hierarchy, etc. In short, UX design is all about making sure that your app is intuitive and easy to use.

Now that you know the difference between UX and UI design let's take a look at the top reasons why an efficient UI/UX design is essential for your mobile app.

Also Read: Areas of Design

Reason 1: Improved Customer Satisfaction

One of the main reasons businesses should focus on UI/UX design is to improve customer satisfaction. If your app is difficult to use or doesn't look good, people will quickly get frustrated and move on to something else. On the other hand, if your app is well-designed and easy to use, people will enjoy using it and keep coming back for more. 

It's no secret that a well-designed and easy-to-use app will result in happier customers. In fact, a recent study found that 79% of users would recommend a mobile app to their friends and family if it had an excellent user experience (UX).

Reason 2: Increased Engagement and Retention Rates

Focusing on UI/UX design can help increase engagement and retention rates. In other words, people are more likely to keep using your app if it is enjoyable to use. A study by Localytics found that apps with good UX design have 25% higher engagement rates than those without good UX design. They also found that apps with poor UX design have a churn rate (the percentage of users who stop using an app within a given time period) that is 3x higher than those with good UX design. 

There are several reasons why good UX design leads to increased engagement and retention rates: 

  • First, as we mentioned above, good UX design leads to happier customers. And happy customers are more likely to keep using your app. 
  • Second, good UX design makes it easy for people to use your app. If people can't figure out how to use your app, they will quickly get frustrated and give up. But if your app is easy to use, people will be more likely to keep using it. 
  • Finally, good UX design can help create a sense of loyalty among users. If people enjoy using your app, they are more likely to stick with it and continue using it in the future. 

Reason 3: Increased Sales and Revenue

Another reason businesses should focus on UI/UX design is that it can lead to increased sales and revenue. A well-designed app will be more user-friendly, which will lead to increased engagement and retention rates (as we discussed above). And as we all know, engaged and loyal customers are more likely to make purchases. A study by Bain & Company found that a mere five percent increase in customer retention can lead to a 95 percent increase in profits. 

If people enjoy using your app, they are more likely to make purchases through it.  And the more purchases people make, the more revenue your business will generate. Therefore, by focusing on UI/UX design, you can indirectly increase your sales and revenue. 

Reason 4: Improved Team Productivity

If you're making an app for internal use, then focusing on UI/UX design can lead to increased productivity for your company. How? Well, it all comes down to efficiency. A well-designed app will be easy to use and intuitive. This means that people will be able to get what they need from your app quickly and without any frustration. 

On the other hand, a poorly designed app will be confusing and difficult to use. This will lead to people wasting time trying to figure out how to use your app. In the end, this will lead to decreased productivity for your company. So if you want your company to be more productive, you need to make sure that your app has an efficient UI/UX design.

Reason 5: Less Strain for Your Support Team

An app with good UI/UX design can take some strain off of your support team. If your app is difficult to use, people will need more help from your support team in order to use it. They'll make more support tickets or overload your team with emails.

But if your app is easy to use, people will be able to figure it out on their own and won't need to rely on your support team as much. Therefore, by focusing on UI/UX design, you can reduce the strain on your support team. 

Reason 6: Reduced Development and Maintenance Costs

Another benefit of UI/UX design is that it can help reduce development and maintenance costs. A well-designed app will be easier to develop and require less maintenance than a poorly designed app. 

This is because a well-designed app will be simpler and more intuitive, which means there will be less code to write. And since there is less code, there will be fewer bugs and less need for expensive maintenance. In fact, a study by the Standish Group found that every dollar spent on UI/UX design can save up to ten dollars in development and maintenance costs. So not only can UI/UX design help increase sales and revenue, but it can also help reduce development and maintenance costs. 

Reason 7: Improved Brand Image and Recognition

Professionally designed UI/UX can improve your brand image and recognition. If you have a well-designed app, people will associate your brand with positive attributes such as being user-friendly, innovative, and trustworthy. 

On the other hand, if you have a poorly designed app, people will associate your brand with negative attributes such as being difficult to use, outdated, and untrustworthy. Therefore, it's important to focus on UI/UX design in order to improve your brand image and recognition.

Reason 8: Competitive Advantage

The professionally designed app can also give you a competitive advantage. In today's world, there are thousands of app options available to users. And if you want people to choose your app over all the others, you need to make sure it has a good UI/UX design. 

A good UI/UX design will make your app stand out from the crowd and give users a reason to choose it over all the others. Therefore, if you want to stay ahead of the competition, you need to focus on UI/UX design. 


As you can see, there are many reasons why your app needs an efficient UI/UX design. By focusing on UI/UX design, you can improve your brand image, save money on development and maintenance costs, and give yourself a competitive advantage. So if you're not already doing so, start focusing on UI/UX design today. It could be the best decision you ever make for your business.

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Guest Contributor