

Photoshop für Einsteiger: Die 6 wichtigsten ersten Schritte

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Photoshop für Einsteiger: Die 6 wichtigsten ersten Schritte

Photoshop is a great tool to have in your arsenal if you have a knack for editing pictures. But, you are bound to get confused at first glance if you haven’t used Photoshop in your life before.

Here are 6 of the most important things you need to know about editing with Photoshop.

Learn the Tweaking Tools:

Some might think editing images is as simple as moving a few tones around, and Voila! You’re a master in editing. But that’s not the case, and there’s much analyzing and math behind even these things. For instance, a graph-like tool called a histogram tells you about the exposure, tones, and how to fix it. This tool can take your image from 0 to 100 with a slight drag. 

Make it Quick with Shortcuts:

Keyboard shortcuts make life so much easier. Like Microsoft Excel, there are also tons of keyboard shortcuts for Adobe Photoshop. Learning and practicing editing with these shortcuts will make the process much faster and less tedious.

Editing with Layers:

A layer mask is a very innovative tool in Photoshop. It allows you to pinpoint a certain area and add or remove layers of colors, tones, saturation, and even brightness to change the look. It is used in professional photography to soften features, brighten certain areas and remove unwanted shadows.

Healing the Images:

The “Healing Brush” is an editor’s favorite tool. It is used in monotone images to remove any casts and blemishes, like pictures of water or the sky. Another tool in harmony with this is the Clone Stamp, which corrects the healed area by adjusting the brightness, tones, and excess color. 

Tones and Saturations:

Photos can be a deal maker or breaker with exposure. Overexposed images can look out of whack, and they’re no good for any use. Similarly, tones also play a huge role in making an image unique and beautiful. When starting with Photoshop, play around with these settings to get an idea of how they work and what types of tones and exposures go with certain images.

Color Correction:

Color correction is also a key thing to learn in Photoshop. Most of the time, all photos need is a bit of color correction here and there to make them look amazing. With the color cast tool, you can add color where it is missing and even remove it to make the picture more proportionate. You will need to select a dominant color first, and then you can tweak and manipulate the image until you’re happy with the results. 

There you have it! Photoshop is a great app, but sometimes it is not as straightforward, and you might need some learning and go through several trial-and-error situations to get the gist of it, but once you do, it will change everything.

Laiba Omer

Laiba Omer

Knack for writing and reporting on latest updates and news.