

Combine assets with Laravel Mix

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Combine assets with Laravel Mix

What's Laravel Mix?

Laravel Mix is a simple API built around Webpack to facilitate compiling of assets using several CSS and JS pre-processors.

By default, your Laravel project's webpack.mix.js contains the following code.

mix.js('resources/assets/js/app.js', 'public/js')
   .sass('resources/assets/sass/app.scss', 'public/css');

What if you want to chain your included files along with that?

Well there's a simple solution to this using mix.combine method.

For CSS files

], 'public/css/app.js');

For JS files

], 'public/js/all.js');

Well that's it. Give it a try and see if that works out for you.

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Usama Muneer

Usama Muneer

A web enthusiastic, self-motivated & detail-oriented professional Full-Stack Web Developer from Karachi, Pakistan with experience in developing applications using JavaScript, WordPress & Laravel specifically. Loves to write on different web technologies with an equally useful skill to make some sense out of it.