

Here are 5 Cool Things You Didn't Know Alexa Could Do

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Here are 5 Cool Things You Didn't Know Alexa Could Do

I’m sure we’ve all heard of the talents of the Siri-like robot Alexa, but with that, I’m also sure that there are things that you did not know she could do. So if you’re someone who just purchased an Alexa-enabled device or new to it, you will find the following list very interesting.

Here are five cool things that you did not know this wonderful device can do:

The Device can Remind you of Things you have Forgotten

So basically, one feature is that you can ask Alexa to give you gentle reminders. These can include reminding you to call somebody at a specific time and on a pacific day or, it could just be a reminder to get somebody a birthday present. Or to feed your cat food on time. Pretty cool, right? 

Alexa can Play Your Favorite Music

Another cool thing that Alexa can do is play your favorite music. If you ask her, you can name any album, playlist, or song, and this device will play it for you. For example, I could ask Alexa to open my Spotify and play my playlist, especially for the summer. In this way, you can ask Alexa to play your favorite songs or any place, whenever you want.

Help You Avoid Traffic

Assisting to help avoid traffic is a cool feature most people do not know about that Alexa can do. You can ask her the fastest route to wherever you want to go, and she will tell you a path that will help you avoid any traffic.

Make Things Less Awkward for You

One of my favorite cool things that Alexa can do is change the subject when the situation demands it. So if you’re sitting in a very awkward group of friends or family or you’re on a very random date, you can count on this device to reduce the tension. Just ask Alexa to change the subject, and she’ll give you a very random topic or the fact that will allow you to transition into a less awkward subject smoothly. You have got to love her.

Alexa Can Talk to Your Pets

Alexa has many talents, and one of them includes babysitting your pet cat essentially. Pet cameras are very popular these days, but if you have this device and a pet, you can ask her to enable the meow feature, and she will talk to your cat and meow until you are back home to take care of your cat furry four-legged pet. 

If any of these are new to you, I urge you to try them and be amazed. I bet you didn’t know a few if not all cool things that Alexa can do from the list above. I’m sure that I am also unaware of all the talents that this device possesses, but I hope you found these cool. I hope you will try these and make the most of Alexa’s numerous cool talents.

Laiba Omer

Laiba Omer

Knack for writing and reporting on latest updates and news.