

Amazing Advantages of Embedding Google Reviews on Squarespace

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Amazing Advantages of Embedding Google Reviews on Squarespace

Online reviews are the prominent deciding factor in customers’ buying decisions. Nearly 80% of your potential customers look for online reviews when thinking of buying something.

This makes it obvious that online reviews are essential for any business.

You need to go for Google reviews to establish your credibility as an authoritative business.

Google reviews are the reliable sources your customers look for while making a purchase.

Yet a lot of marketers underestimate the importance of Google reviews.

Therefore, in this blog, we are going to discuss the importance of Google reviews for your business and why you need to embed Google reviews on Squarespace website.

Benefits of Embedding Google Reviews on Squarespace Website

Builds trust and credibility 

Trust and credibility are the critical drivers of a brand’s success. Reviews are the finest sources of social proof. When people look for products online they look for reviews as well.

For example, suppose you are looking for a pair of shoes. One of the pairs has 500 positive reviews with an average rating of 4.8 stars, the other one has 200 reviews with an average rating of 2.5 stars, and the last one has no reviews and star ratings.

Which one would you be inclined towards?

Obviously, the pair of shoes with 500 positive reviews and an average rating of 4.8 stars. Right?

This is what social proof does to your business.

It builds trust and fastens the buying decision. When you embed google reviews, it encourages purchases.

Boosts SEO

Search engine optimization has now become an integral part of online marketing. You have to optimize your content in order to rank on search engines. Google reviews can help you achieve that. When you have online reviews of your products, it becomes easier to rank.

The more reviews you have, the better your ranking will be.

This is because the reviews include relevant keywords related to your business. The more keywords you have, the better Google will know about your business.

Get Click-Through Rate

If you are a business owner you must be aware of the importance of click-through rates. If you are not getting enough clicks through rates, this means that all your marketing efforts have gone in vain. Luckily, google reviews are here to save you.

When you have google reviews on your business website, your customers consider clicking on your product or service.

Easy Ways to use Google reviews for your Product or Service

Provide an admirable service to your customers

When you provide a good service or product to your customers, it makes it easier for you to ask for reviews from them. A good service encourages customers to leave feedback on your business either online or by word of mouth.

Ask for reviews through emails

As a business owner, an email list is a must-have. Through this, you can connect with your customers and website visitors on a regular basis.

You can slide into their mail and ask for reviews politely. Remember that, while asking for reviews you might not sound self-promotional. This works as a put-off for your customers.

Embed Google Review Widget on your Website

If you are a business owner and have a website, you must embed Google reviews on Squarespace website. You can embed your google review widget using any social media aggregator tool.

These tools have no code process and help you to manage your business without having to hire any developer.

These tools also let users customize the overall look of the widget. This means you can choose the theme and template and show your artistic side to the customers. A visually appealing widget will help the visitors to spend more time on the website.

They also have an instant auto-sync feature that allows users to update the reviews on the widgets automatically in no time. Each time there is a new review for your business it will be updated on the website as well.

Managing Google Reviews

Managing google reviews can be a difficult task. Yet you can do this by following some strategies. As you have to take charge of your business, you have to acknowledge the faults that the customers are facing while using your product or service.

Removing negative reviews can be a danger to your business. According to a survey, 60% of customers refuse to make a purchase from an online store that does not have a negative review.

To curb this situation, you can reply to the negative reviews. This will make the customers feel heard.

However, you can remove the reviews that do not align with your brand value.

Upon Analyzing the facts

Embedding the Google reviews on your Squarespace website is highly beneficial for your business. It will help you to have a 24x7 brand ambassador for your brand and business. Through the tools, you can also analyze the engagement on your website. It will also tell you what type of posts are working for you and your business. So try these marketing tactics and watch your revenue skyrocket.

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