

Alle Zwecke, die Guest Posting für das digitale Marketing erfüllt

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Alle Zwecke, die Guest Posting für das digitale Marketing erfüllt

It’s so important that businesses spend thousands of dollars on paid guest posting. Here I’ve discussed the purposes guest posting serves to digital marketing that convinces businesses to invest so much.

Exposure to More Traffic

The first and foremost reason people invest in guest posting is to gain more website traffic. The guest post helps you gain traffic in more than one way. 

First, it is a content marketing tactic where your article conveys a message to your target audience. You write articles in a careful and planned manner to leave a good impression on the readers. There is always a link to your website at a place where it is most contextual. 

Within the article, you indirectly convince the readers to click the link and visit your website. They visit your website knowing what they are going to find there. It could be a product, service, resource, or information. 

Second, guest posting builds backlinks that improve your search engine ranking and you get traffic from result pages. This doesn’t happen right away and requires more than just guest posting, but it contributes to this in the long run. 

The main reason businesses invest in digital marketing is to increase their website visitors, whom they can convince to buy a product or service or serve some other cause. Each guest post creates a way to your website and everyone that visits that post might click on the link to visit it. 

Gets You Quality Backlinks

One of the main reasons most SEO experts recommend investing in guest posting is due to the quality backlinks you can get from it. Backlinks are to date the strongest ranking factor of Google that owns 92% of web search traffic. 

Every business has to index with it and rank in the top ten positions of search results pages to survive online. Otherwise, they will have to keep investing in paid advertisements. 

Among all backlinks, guest posts links are considered the safest and most contextual. The reason is simple.

  • You get to choose the most relevant websites that are visited by your target audience. 
  • You write content that is tailored for your potential customers.
  • You get to present a good image of yourself.
  • You get to put a contextual link surrounded by text that convinces the reader to click. 

These backlinks have every quality search engines ask for, and that’s why they play an important role in improving your search engine ranking. An SEO expert would write on different topics and use a range of anchor texts depending on your target audience and his backlink profile plan. 

This is one of the reasons why guest posting costs more than any other backlink and you can choose high DA sites if you want even better results. 

Increases Online Authority

Online authority is not just limited to search engine ranking. It’s about people on the internet knowing and that also in a good light. They must see you as an authority in their industry if you want to win their trust. 

Guest posting is one of the best ways to build your online authority. It gives you an opportunity to showcase your skills and knowledge. If the readers feel like you know what you are talking about when reading your guest post, they will see you as a competent professional. You don’t have to say that you are an expert in your work. 

You just show it by providing them extraordinary information and value through your content. For example, you can build infographics and use them in your posts. They provide a lot of information in the easiest manner. 

Another example is HubSpot. They sell digital marketing tools and almost every digital marketer sees them as the industry leader because many of them have learned from their blogs and tutorials. You should also try to provide value that impresses your audience through your guest posts. 

Expands Your Network

One of the most underrated but undeniable benefits of guest posting is the opportunity to expand your network. You get to reach a new audience through new platforms that are somewhat similar to yours. 

This provides you with an opportunity to work with them for future business. You will need a strategy to work with partner businesses. For example, many businesses offer bloggers to work as an affiliate. 

When you get them to publish your post, you open the door for communication. You have a platform that gets your target audience as regular visitors. How you make the best use of them depends on you. 

You Get Qualified Leads

Guest posting doesn’t just get you any traffic – it gets you qualified traffic that is more likely to convert and become a lead. The people who visit your website through a guest post link have already read the article and know who you are and what you offer. 

If you have built the right image through your content, they would probably have already built trust in you. 

People usually have to pay for leads and there is no guarantee how qualified they are. Guest posts allow you to generate your own list of qualified leads while securing many other benefits. 

Improve Brand Awareness

One of the main purposes of guest posting is to spread brand awareness. People don’t like to do business with people they don’t know. Humans, by nature, are afraid of the unknown. Even if they do take your service, it will be as a test and they will be very skeptical. They will be looking for a reason to fire you. 

On the other hand, they will ignore little mistakes if they already know you. Businesses spend years a great portion of their budget just to build and maintain their brand. 

Builds Personal Brand

The world trusts Elon Musk more than Tesla. The reason is his excellent image as a genius who loves his work. People see him as someone who enjoys his work and isn’t in it for the money despite the fact that his cars are overpriced. 

This image didn’t build itself and it didn’t happen overnight. It took a lot of years and strategic planning. 

Guest posting also helps you build and maintain a personal brand. You do get to tell people about your company, but they also see who the author is. They will trust your company because they know you are leading it.

Guest Contributor

Guest Contributor