

5 Innovative Chatbots on the Web You Need to Know About

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5 Innovative Chatbots on the Web You Need to Know About

The world has changed drastically in the past decade, and these changes have given birth to innovative chatbots being used in businesses around the globe. The one thing we can attribute to the success of these innovative chatbots is Automation. They are helpful to companies not just because they engage website visitors but because they also facilitate existing clients, solve issues in real-time and reduce bounce rates. 

This article will analyze and talk about five innovative chatbots being used over the web today. Yet before we begin, let us start with a brief review of what a chatbot is. 

Chatbots, or 'conversational agents', are artificial intelligence (AI) software programmed to mimic written or spoken human sentences or speeches to stimulate a conversation with the users in real-time.


Have you ever wanted to go on a vacation but the process of booking flights, hotels, rental cars, and the overall package seems overwhelming? Well, Hipmunk is a platform that makes it easy for its users to travel. It has created its 'Hello chatbots' to help people search, navigate and reserve easily. These chatbots can be integrated into Facebook, Skype, or Slack. This chatbot is among the most innovative chatbots; it takes complex tasks from your hands, like hunting multiple websites for information, and provides it to you right in the messenger app.

Casper: Insomnobot 3000

Many people have insomnia all around the world. It is a sleep disorder that makes it difficult for people to sleep and stay asleep for a reasonable time. That's where Casper's Insomnobot 3000 comes into play. A conversational bot whose aim is to prevent loneliness and converse with insomniacs while the rest of the world sleeps.

U-Report: UNICEF

Unlike most innovative chatbots used today, UNICEF's chatbot is a rather unconventional one. International child advocacy nonprofit UNICEF uses its chatbot 'U-Report'. So that people in the developing nations can speak out about their issues in their communities. U-Report isn't a conversational bot. It sends out pre-organized polls. These polls are then filled by the users, known as the 'U-Reporters'. Based on the data collected by these polls, UNICEF bases its policy recommendations.


How often has it happened that you have had a fever and itch, and google has misdiagnosed you with cancer? Yeah, it happens with everyone. This is why 'MedWhat' is one of the most innovative chatbots which makes medical diagnoses quicker, convenient, and more transparent for both the physician and the patient. MedWhat is more of a virtual assistant than a conversational agent. 


Duolingo is one of the most famous languages learning apps. If you have ever tried to learn a new language on your own, you know how hard it is. Without interacting with people speaking the same vocabulary is difficult. So, Duolingo built a native chatbot in its app so that users can practice their speaking skills without being embarrassed.

Laiba Omer

Laiba Omer

Knack for writing and reporting on latest updates and news.